I know what it’s like to be in the deepest recesses of depression and feel like you will never recover.

Curled up in the foetal position under the bed covers, willing the world to go away.

Feeling like your life is over and you will never be the same again.

The good news is that most people do recover or at least learn how to manage their condition and go on to live a fulfilling life.

Here are 10 ways to start your journey back to health and wellness.

1. Get dressed

Try to get up and get dressed every day (or at least most days).  You immediately feel a slight improvement just because you’ve had a shower, got dressed and brushed your hair.

2. Stay off sugar

Sugar directly affects your mood. You might get a slight high from eating it initially, but within a couple of hours, you will sink down deeper into depression and anxiety. If you feel like a snack, or you like to comfort-eat, try to choose a snack or meal that is low in sugar.

3. Do some light exercise

Even a 5 minute walk can lift your mood slightly.  Try to increase it by a few minutes each day. Just something low key, like a walk or just 5 minutes of light movement in a hydro therapy pool.

4. Set one or two very small goals for each day

When you are depressed, everything feels overwhelming. You have to break everything down into tiny bite size pieces – like having a shower, getting dressed or going for a 5 minute walk. Just aim for 1 or 2 small goals each day.

5. Soak up the sunshine

If it’s a sunny day, go outside and sit down and bask in the warm rays of the sun for 10 – 15 minutes. The warmth of the sun is very healing.

6. Reach out to a friend or family member you trust

It can be so hard to admit how you are feeling to someone else, but if you are careful about who you talk to, you will find it a tremendous relief to talk honestly about you are feeling. They might even surprise you and tell you they have been there too.

7. Consult a health professional

When you are depressed, it is important to talk to your doctor and/or Psychologist.  They can give you strategies to use to help you and they can also see if you need any medication (short term or long term).

8. Every day, write down 5 things to be thankful for

Remember the little things you still have in your life. This might be as basic as fresh air and water, a comfy bed, a fridge full of food etc. It can start to turn your mindset around from always focusing on what’s wrong in your life and instead, start to focus on what’s good in your life, no matter how small. The more you look for the good, the more you will see it.

9. Listen to music

It’s amazing how music changes how we feel. Music is a very powerful tool. It can immediately lift your mood. It can also help to make you feel calm and relaxed.

10. Take your medication

Not everyone needs medication or they may only need it for a short time. If you do need medication, be patient with the process. It can take a while to get just the right one for you. The good thing about medication is that it can help stabilise your mood, so that you can start to think clearly about things. Once you are thinking clearly, it’s easier to take small steps to move forward with your life. It’s very important not to go off your medication without medical supervision.

You can be free from depression. Have hope that this will not last forever.
Remember that you are not alone. Reach out for help.
A whole new life is awaiting you on the other side. 


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