Romans 15 – in easy to understand language
Romans 15
If you are a person who has strong faith, be humble. Be patient with other people who may not have a strong faith.
Our primary goal should be to encourage others and help them grow, not to just live life to please ourselves.
Even Jesus allowed Himself to be insulted and tortured on our behalf, rather than pleasing Himself.
Put others first, just as Jesus did.
The Bible was written to teach us and show us how to live. The Scriptures help us to endure hard times and bring us encouragement so that we can have hope.
I pray that God will speak through His Word, to give us the same endurance, encouragement and attitude that Jesus had, so that with unity of mind and heart we can glorify both our heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Accept each other just as Jesus accepted us.
We can rejoice and praise God, that His Word and the plan of Salvation is for all people on earth – people from every nation and every language, so that we can all praise God together.
As each one of us puts our trust in Jesus, He gives us joy, peace and hope. He sends the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts and bring us closer to God.
As each of us grows in our knowledge and understanding about God, He enables us to teach others about Him.
Remember, no nation is better than any other nation. We are all God’s children, loved equally by Him.
We are called to love and support each other, not just to share our spiritual knowledge but also sharing financially with people who need it.
I, Paul, have written this letter to you. Please pray for me to be kept safe as I continue to minister the Gospel to the world.
I hope I will be able to see you soon.
May God’s peace be with you all.