We all have a magical superpower – the power of our Mind.

By harnessing this superpower, we are able to overcome anything and to change the entire direction of our lives.

Over the last 30 years, neuroscientific research is showing that every thought we have causes neurochemical changes in our brain.  Our body is physically reacting, literally changing in response to the thoughts that run through our minds.

Negative thoughts cause one type of change in our brain chemistry (producing anxiety and depression) and positive thoughts create other types of change in our brain chemistry (producing a sense of calm and peace).

What this means is that we have far more control over our State of Mind and even our physical health, than we ever realised before.  We have a choice about what signals our genes receive.

Our thoughts form our attitude – our general outlook on life and it is our attitude that determines the course of our life – even more than our DNA does.

Our DNA may have given us genes that make us predisposed to certain types of physical or mental illness and even certain ways of thinking and seeing the world, but we have the power to switch these genes on or off, through the way we think and through the way we choose to live our lives.

You can’t change what has happened in the past, which shaped the brain you have today and caused certain genes to be switched on or off, but you do have the power to re-program your brain for the future, through the way you choose to think from now on.

We all have an internal dialogue that runs through our minds every waking hour of the day.  Sometimes we are aware of this dialogue and sometimes we are not.

To harness the power of our mind, it is essential that we learn to start taking notice of this internal dialogue and take control over it.

We can choose what to think.

One practice, which is simple to implement and has been found to have measurable benefits in our brains and bodies is to simply:

  1. Start taking notice of the internal dialogue that is running through your brain.
  2. Write down what you are thinking – the more specific the better.
  3. Write down an ‘opposite’ statement.  A positive thought that will replace the negative thought.
  4. When you hear yourself running the old, negative dialogue, say ‘NO’ to yourself and choose to think the new, positive thought instead.  We believe our own voice more than anyone else’s.  Sometimes it can be helpful to say the ‘NO’ out loud and then say the positive statement out loud as well.
  5. Repeat the positive statement as often as needed (the more times the better).

As you start to think positive thoughts on purpose,
these thoughts literally begin to re-wire your brain.

Our previous negative thought patterns have become like large freeways in our brain.  As you choose to think positive statements over and over instead of negative ones, the brain starts to form a new, positive road and the old negative road begins to get smaller.

This is how you form a new habit of thinking more positively.

In relation to the Corona Virus pandemic that is sweeping the world, you can decrease your anxiety and increase your sense of peace, even though the future is so uncertain. For example:

Example 1

Negative Thought

  • I’m worried I’m going to get the Corona Virus

Positive Thought

  • I am taking care of my body to stay as healthy as I can.  It is unlikely that I will get the Corona Virus.
  • A higher proportion of Australians have been tested than any other country on earth.
  • 99% of Australians tested for the Corona Virus have come back negative.
  • Most people who get Corona Virus have just travelled overseas or been in direct contact with someone with the virus.  I have not travelled overseas recently and to the best of my knowledge, I have not been in direct contact with someone who has Corona Virus.
  • I am obeying the government rules about isolation and social distancing. 
    This significantly reduces my chance of catching this virus.
  • Worrying doesn’t achieve anything except to make me feel stressed and depressed.
  • I will choose to remain positive as this will give me the best possible mindset to think clearly and get through this.

Example 2

Negative Thought

  • What if I get sick and die?

Positive Thought

  • Many people who contract the Corona Virus only have mild symptoms.
  • Most people who contract Corona Virus make a full recovery.
  • It’s true that I don’t know what the future holds, but worrying about it will not help.  Instead, I am going to think about positive things on purpose and trust that I will be OK.

Example 3

Negative Thought

  • I am worried that we are running out of medical supplies.

Positive Thought

  • Many manufacturing companies have stopped producing their usual products and are instead manufacturing the medical supplies we need.

Example 4

Negative Thought

  • I have lost my job and/or I have no money

Positive Thought

  • The Government is working hard to ensure that government benefits are available for people like me.
  • There are many charities in Australia that help people with no money – they give them food and clothes and sometimes help to pay for bills.
  • I am choosing not to be embarrassed to admit that I need help.  It is what it is. I’m going to be brave and ask for the help I need.
  • Going through this gives me empathy for other people in need.
  • I am not alone.  Many people are in the same position as me.  We will get through this.
  • We are all in this together.  We will look after each other.

Example 5

Negative Thought

  • How will the world ever recover?

Positive Thought

  • I know that the world will recover because it has always recovered from calamities in the past.  Think about World War 1 and 2 or the Global Crisis in 2008. 
    It was hard at the time, but the world did recover.
  • I will recover.  I will be OK.

Try doing this over the next 7 days

What types of negative thoughts did you realise you were thinking?

What type of positive thoughts did you choose instead?

What effect did this have on your mind and your body?

Did you find that you started to calm down and were able to think a little clearer?

Did you notice that your anxiety reduced a little?

Remember, you are in control of your mind. 

It is your superpower.




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