Romans 12

Before Jesus came to the earth and died for our sins, God’s people had to offer an animal as a sacrifice, to show that they were sorry for their sins. 

When Jesus came to the earth, He died for our sins once and for all and no more sacrifices had to be made.

Instead, God asks us to give him our hearts and lives.  He calls this “a living sacrifice”.

Don’t live the same way that most of the world lives – selfishly seeking money, prestige and popularity.

Allow God to transform your life by renewing your mind.  The word ‘transform’ means to change completely, just like when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.

God changes you to become the person He created you to be.

What goes on in your mind and thoughts is of crucial importance.  Your thoughts determine your actions.  Your actions determine your habits.  Your habits determine the whole course of your life.

When you give your mind to God, He teaches you to think like He does.

Don’t think of yourself as more important than other people.  God loves everyone equally.

God has given each one of us a special gift.  Each gift that God has given is needed.  No one gift is more important than another one.  It is similar to all the parts of a body.  The parts are so different, yet all parts are needed.

Some examples of the gifts God gives are teaching, encouraging, leading, serving, showing mercy and giving to others.

When you go through hard times, wait patiently for God to work on your behalf.  Put your hope in Him and He will keep you filled with His joy.  Never stop praying and believing.

Welcome people into your homes, showing them hospitality and being generous toward them.

Be aware of how other people are feeling.  If someone is happy, be happy with them.  If someone is sad, be sad with them.

Choose to live at peace with everyone as far as it is possible.  Others may not be peaceful towards you, but you can still choose to be peaceful towards them.

Even if you have been wronged by someone, don’t try to take revenge – leave this in God’s hands.  He will avenge you.

Be kind and generous to people we like as well as people we don’t like, or who don’t like us.  When you are kind to your enemies, they will be completely mystified.

Don’t let evil overcome you.  Instead, overcome evil by doing good.

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