Romans 6

When you give your heart to Jesus and are baptised, your old, sinful life is buried in Christ.  And as you rise up out of the water of baptism, your new life in Jesus starts. 

When you are baptised, it is similar to Jesus dying and being raised to life again.  He died to save us from our sins.  Then God the Father raised Him to life again and He went back to live in Heaven. 

When you give your heart to Jesus, you no longer want to sin.  Your heart’s desire is to live for God. 

But because of our human weakness, we do still sin, but all we have to do is tell God that we are sorry for our sins and ask Him to forgive us.  God is happy to forgive us because we ask in the name of Jesus.

Instead of seeing our sinfulness, God only sees Jesus righteousness. 
This is called “Grace”. 

As we being to walk with God, we become more aware of our sin.  We ask God to come and change us and heal us from our previous life of sin.  Then slowly, over time, we become more and more like Jesus.

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